New channeling: Two steps to connect with the soul
Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua
“Remember the joy. Remember the spontaneous moments in your life when you laughed and felt like doing things, when you dreamed and played. Times when you were present in the moment, when you were in love, or you were full of a vision of the future – an image, a plan – moments filled with hope and dreams. Feel the joy of those desires, of those dreams. Good dreams, good desires, make you joyful, even before they become true: a feeling of joyful anticipation. That is the voice of your soul. Yet you experience daily resistance in fulfilling your desires. Some of you have even become discouraged, cynical, and disappointed about life here, about society and the world around you. You think you have to keep yourself small; that things are not going to work out after all, and that you would like to get away from here. “